In the first lesson we have studied about tags and things like
Begin tag (opening a tag) and end tag (shutting a tag).
An HTML elements is usually composed of a "start tag ",
“Elements content “ and an “end tag”.
<P> This is an elements . </P>
This is an element content.
The model HTML Element above is made out of the accompanying:
start tag: <p>
element content: This is an element content.
end tag: </p>
<h1> Learning HTML Elements </h1>
Learning HTML Elements
The model HTML Element above is made out of the accompanying:
start tag: <h1>
element content: Learning HTML Elements
Closing tag: </h1>
Nested HTML Elements:
There are a few cases that a HTML component can contain at least one HTML components.
For you to all the more likely comprehend it take a gander at the
example code below.
<p><i> Italicized text </i></p>
Italicized text
The model settled HTML Elements above are made out of the accompanying:
• Start tag. <p>
• Start tag. <i>
• Element Content: Italicized text
• End tag: </i>
• End tag: </p>
On the model above, there are two beginning tag and two end tag.
The second tag i.e. <i> italicizes the text within.
Empty Elements
Elements without an element content or an end tag are referred to as empty elements.
A list of commonly used Empty Elements:
<meta />
<link />
<img /> <br />
<hr />
<input />
The best practice in HTML Void Components is to continuously put a forward cut/sign before the more prominent than > sign.
In this manner they are shut at their beginning labels.
That's all there was to HTML tutorials Did we miss something? Les us know in the comments section below. We'll be adding more tutorials on html introduction pretty soon, so stay tooned! :)